HBi - Newsroom

Whats happening inside HBi and our collective brands.

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Our Historic 100th Year Press Piece: Click Below

From the Hickory Brands Inc. Board and Executive Teams at 208 Union Square NW 28601 Hickory, North Carolina - Jan 1, 2023. Hickory Brands Inc.’s collective industrial and retail brands are proud to announce our 100th year of USA manufacturing. This includes cord, webbing, and braid used in the Outdoor, Footwear, Fashion, and Industrial segments manufactured by our Family-owned factories in Hickory and Longview, North Carolina. 

 Link to full piece: (for immediate release) HBI 100th Year Part 1.pdf

Mission: Hickory Brands Inc. believes in quality jobs for the U.S. Made Workforce and the quality-of-life sports and the outdoors bring to us all.