Specials and Promos!



2WiN Fall Pre Order Promo

(Order with Code #v1_2W_SUM_19)





2019 | Reflexall™ Reflective Safety

(Order with Code #v1_REX_Fall_19)

We first developed the Reflexall™ brand with our innovative, clear and wash-out reflective spray (which can be applied to virtually anything for added visibility, safety and then washed off) and over the past season have added a New super convenient Roll-On Reflective and Signature Stick to Bond Reflective Patch Kit! 






The new Kit will include our Iconic X Badge and additional shapes/profiles perfect for endurance training and grabbing some extra miles in low light conditions/time of day.

On the Camping and Outfitter side its perfect for trail safety and even marking gear that needs to be found out around camp and in low light conditions due to the high luminosity reflection created when struck with a beam from modern Cellphone flashes, LED Flashlights and Torches! 


(Note: Reflexall™ will have free Window and Full Door Cling designs, for Accounts ordering 200 dollars or more before August 1st 2019



 American Legacy Fall Promo

(Order with Code #v1_AL_Fall_19)



10-Seconds Promo

(Order with Code #v1_10Sec_B2B_19)

TwistScent Promo #2

(Order with Code #v2_10Sec_Fall_19)

10 Seconds Promo #3

(Order with Code #v3_10Sec_Free_19)

Every $200.00 10 Seconds Order Gets a Free Case of Twist scent!